In many categories, the brand people have bought is visible to other potential customers. Laptops, cars, clothing, and accessories are prominent examples. Brands including Gucci, Apple and BMW all make sure their logo is prominent on of all their products, so whenever someone sees them, brand saliency and interest is given a little boost. If you see a cool person sporting a Gucci logo, you can’t help but be reminded of the brand and how cool it is.
If your brand has an appealing aesthetic design, you may be able to exploit this to enhance your brand’s prominence at point of sale. Stock cube brand Oxo stands out on the shelf by putting the letters O and X on one side of their packs to create an impactful shelf display that spelled ‘OXO’. Dyson’s in-store displays are equally impressive. They showcase the beautiful designs of their products via displays that look like art installations, setting them apart from other brands and helping to justify their premium prices. Likewise, Nespresso’s store-within-a-store displays involving eye-catching displays of their coffee capsules grab the eye, are appealing, and make the brand feel cool and sophisticated. Exclusive US department store Bloomingdale’s has enhanced its notoriety by encouraging customers to consider Bloomingdale’s bags as status symbols. Being seen with one of their bags gives the customer social status and promotes the brand to their peers. |