The principles of business collaboration are the same regardless of whether the partnership is between different teams within the same organization or teams from different companies. Success always depends on identifying a 'win-win’ - an arrangement that ultimately benefits both parties. It’s worth being flexible and creative to find a solution that works for everyone, but don’t be afraid to call time and avoid wasting further effort pursuing a fruitless opportunity.
REACH OUT As a team leader, it is your responsibility to look for collaborative opportunities that would make your team more successful. If you come across such an opportunity, you should approach your potential partner to discuss what might be possible. See Section 6.2 for suggestions on how to make your approach. LISTEN HARD Potential partners will all have their own business priorities and may have reservations about collaborating with you. So, you need to ask lots of questions and listen well (see Section 2.3) to tease out any issues before you can identify a 'win-win.’ CLARIFY RESPONSIBILITIES Once it’s clear that a partnership is worthwhile, take the time to agree on who would be responsible for what and how the parties involved would keep in touch, interact and make decisions. Define these details before signing the deal to avoid frustration and wasted time later. MAKE IT FUN People love working with people they can relax and have fun with. So, if you want a collaboration to last, make an effort to create an enjoyable working relationship. Take the time to understand what makes your partners tick, and tailor your approach to them to show that their partnership is important to you. BUILD TRUST As with any relationship, a business collaboration is built on trust. Be open and honest with your partners and treat them with fairness, respect and courtesy (see Section 6.3). This is important from an ethical point of view, and will help bolster your reputation and engender loyalty from your business associates. |