Before Haagen-Dazs, ice cream was seen (in the UK, at least) as something you’d buy from 'Mr. Whippy’ at the seaside or serve with jelly at a children's party. Supermarkets stocked large, low-priced tubs well suited to catering for 30+ little people with unsophisticated palates. Reuben and Rose Mattus identified the opportunity for an ice cream that provided grown-ups with 'a spoonful of luxury to escape the every day’. I can't find the original, highly sensual and controversial UK ad, but from memory, the first 30 seconds of this spoof of the ad by Fosters lager is identical to the original. Check out this LinkedIn post and video to hear the full story. Further examples of brands expanding via new category entry points can be found in this LinkedIn thread. What to learn more? Try asking Virtual Dan White. |